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Dragon Nutrition Dietary Counseling (15 Wellness Incentive Points)*
Start Date: 2/11/2019 All Day
End Date: 2/11/2019
This event recurs on Monday every week until 6/24/2019.  Click here to see the series dates.

Event Description

Work with a Drexel University Registered Dietitian (RD) to meet your nutritional goals. Our expert dietitians will serve as your advocate for living a more energized and healthy life. You will learn research-based approaches will provide you with the necessary tools for sustainable diet and lifestyle changes that best support your health and well-being. Learn to improve your eating habits, plan meals, select snacks, for overall health, to enhance athletic performance, or manage diseases through therapeutic diets for better health and healing. Six sessions with an RD are recommended because lifestyle changes take time to incorporate.

Drexel employees may be entitled to six 1-hour nutrition counseling sessions per year at no cost through their Independence Blue Cross insurance plan. Please call your insurance provider to verify your benefits or contact Parkway Health and Wellness at the number below to inquire about your coverage.

If you are using another health plan, nutrition benefits may not be covered, or they may be provided for only certain illnesses, such as diabetes, hypertension, kidney failure and obesity. If you are not using insurance, the fees are as follows: Initial consult: $120.00, 15-minute re-visit: $50.00, each additional 15 minutes: $25.00.

Appointments are available at two convenient locations:

Parkway Health and Wellness

1601 Cherry Street

Second Floor

Philadelphia, PA 19102

Drexel Recreation Center

3301 Market Street

Philadelphia, PA 19104

To learn more or to schedule your initial session, please call us (215) 553-7012 or email: nutritionappts@drexel.edu

To further incentivize participants, you will earn 15 wellness points for each session attended, with a maximum of 90 wellness points available per calendar year. You must register for the 2018 program AND complete your 2018 Personal Health Profile before you will be eligible to receive any payouts. Points for attending these events will be sent to Health Advocate on a monthly basis for the prior month’s activities.  There will be a 6-week delay in these points and payouts being distributed. For information about our wellness incentive program, please visit: http://drexel.edu/hr/benefits/a-healthier-u/wellness-incentive-program/.

These services are offered through Parkway Health and Wellness. https://drexel.edu/cnhp/practices/Nutrition-Services-at-Three-Parkway/

Contact Information:
Phone: 215.553.7012
Email: nutritionappts@drexel.edu
fruits and veggies
Three Parkway or Drexel Recreation Center
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