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12th Annual Drexel Student Conference on Global Challenges
Start Date: 2/28/2019Start Time: 8:30 AM
End Date: 2/28/2019End Time: 5:00 PM

Event Description

Some of the biggest global challenges that we face today, such as climate change, cybersecurity, migration, access to healthy food and clean water, education, infrastructure, healthcare, and community engagement are being approached with creative, cutting-edge ideas. These ideas lead to new innovations in development, research, media, product design and delivery, technology, and education. With increasing global interdependence, we can contribute to solutions to these challenges both locally and globally and from a variety of different perspectives: scientific, economic, political, social, and cultural.

With this is mind, Drexel University's Office of Global Engagement's 12th Annual Student Conference on Global Challenges will have the theme of Creativity and Innovation. The conference offers undergraduate and graduate students opportunities to share their work, discuss, and reflect on how creativity and innovation shape our society today from all disciplines.

Any student who has conducted independent research or completed a project for class relating to innovative or creative solutions to global problems is welcome to apply to be a student panelist. Students interested in applying for a panelist position can apply here. Students can contact Sandra Petri (Program Coordinator, Office of International Programs, scp57@drexel.edu) with any questions or for help polishing an abstract prior to submitting an application.

Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

Register (it’s free!) and join us on Feb. 28 to learn from your fellow Dragons and participate in engaging interdisciplinary dialogue on Creativity and Innovation!

Contact Information:
Email: oip@drexel.edu
Behrakis Grand Hall,
Creese Student Center,
3210 Chestnut Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19104
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