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Drexel CASTLE Seminar with Tessa Andrews, PhD
Start Date: 3/12/2019Start Time: 2:00 PM
End Date: 3/12/2019End Time: 3:00 PM

Event Description

Teaching expertise for evidence-based instructional practices: What do instructors need to know and be able to do? with Tessa Andrews, Assitant Professor with the University of Georgia.

Seminar Abstract:
Evidence-based instruction can increase student’s ability to learn fundamental concepts in STEM and is associated with increased retention of underrepresented minorities. However, the results faculty achieve vary substantially. Instructors in undergraduate science courses, while highly-trained research scientists, often have had few opportunities to be trained as educators, or to gain experience with evidence-based teaching. Yet knowledge regarding teaching and learning, not just knowledge of course content, influences how instructors implement evidence-based teaching, thereby affecting student outcomes. This seminar will present research investigating teaching knowledge that is important to effective evidence-based teaching in large undergraduate courses. How does the knowledge used by expert evidence-based instructors differ from that used by instructors new to these strategies? How is teaching knowledge enacted through specific instructional practices? And finally, how does the system in which college instructors train and work influence the development of critical knowledge?

Register for the event, here

About Dr. Andrews:
Dr. Tessa Andrews specializes in college biology education research, with particular emphasis on factors influencing the adoption and effective implementation of evidence-based teaching strategies in undergraduate STEM education. She investigates knowledge and professional identity among college instructors and departmental and institutional climate and culture as they relate to undergraduate teaching. This research is funded by the National Science Foundation. Tessa is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Genetics, a core member of the Scientists Engaged in Education Research center at the University of Georgia, and member of the Steering Committee for the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research.

Contact Information:
Name: Marisa Dietrich
Phone: 215-571-3233
Email: mad467@drexel.edu
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