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OLC Town Hall II: UPick
Start Date: 3/19/2019Start Time: 9:30 AM
End Date: 3/19/2019End Time: 11:30 AM

Event Description
Dear Colleagues,
The UPick Town Hall is a speed dating format, which is a fun and engaging cross between a presentation and a poster. Presenters sit at tables dispersed around the room. Attendees pick tables to visit and circulate among the tables every 15 minutes. Thus, the presenters will have the opportunity to share a new piece of technology, applications of technology, research or a project in which they are engaged.
RSVP for the OLC Town Hall II: UPick or visit the INSPIRE website to register and see the full list of presenters.
Faculty, staff and students are invited to attend, but must register in advance.
Contact Information:
Name: Deirdre McMahon
Email: dhm33@drexel.edu
Ida Chen Room and Commons of the
James E. Marks Intercultural Center, located at 3225 Arch Street.
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