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Junior Scientist Workshop: Have You Been Living Under a Rock?
Start Date: 3/19/2022Start Time: 10:00 AM
End Date: 3/19/2022End Time: 12:00 PM

Event Description

Bugs might bug us, but aren’t they part of a healthy ecosystem? The answer can be found in the water, floating on the surface or hanging out under the rocks!

Learn about the invertebrates and plants that indicate if a stream is healthy and how their unique adaptations give them a chance to survive in their watery habitats. Discover the ways in which these living things are connected and how everything in nature connects back to us.

Make a splash with some hands-on water activities. Practice taking a look at the smallest species for the biggest clues, and explore real solutions to keep our waterways clean and safe.

This workshop is part of the Academy’s Water Year. Find out why we need to protect this resource and how you can help.

Please bring a small snack and a filled reusable water bottle. Feel free to bring some shells or other naturalhistory specimens from your own collection to show off, and we will provide everything else.

Drop-off and check-in begin at 9:45 a.m. at the Academy’s 19th Street entrance. Please contact Mary Bailey, youth and family programs developer, at mvb45@drexel.edu.

$35 child/$25 member child per workshop; additional children per family can be registered for $10 each

Space is limited;
Register here register here by Thursday, March 17 at 5 p.m.

A child looking through a microscope
1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19103
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