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From Issue to Action: Lakshmi Parvathinathan
Start Date: 3/2/2022Start Time: 6:00 PM
End Date: 3/2/2022End Time: 7:30 PM

Event Description
How does social change happen? Most of the time, it starts with people identifying a problem and then figuring out how to eliminate that problem. "From Issue to Action" is a series by the Lindy Center for Civic Engagement that invites activists and community organizers within the Drexel community to share their real life experiences of going through this process. At each event we'll hear from someone about how they went from identifying an issue to taking action, and participants will be able to practice this skill for themselves.

In March, we'll hear from student Lakshmi Parvathinathan, who works with the organization Improve the Dream, which brings awareness to Documented Dreamers and lobbies for immigration reform to allow children of long-term visa holders in the US to have a clear path to citizenship.

Register for March's event here: https://drexel.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0sc--qqTMiHtxoEZv_GA6mlJkKBQj5I_xM
Contact Information:
Name: Cara Scharf
Phone: 2158950582
Email: ces337@drexel.edu
Issue to Action Graphic 1.jpg
Zoom - register here for link: https://drexel.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0sc--qqTMiHtxoEZv_GA6mlJkKBQj5I_xM
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