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2017 Philly Chef Conference
Start Date: 3/5/2017Start Time: 3:30 PM
End Date: 3/5/2017End Time: 6:30 PM

Event Description

The 2017 Philly Chef Conference will be held on Sunday and Monday, March 5 - 6 at Drexel University and features panels, lectures and demonstrations from the leading chefs, restaurateurs, purveyors and food writers.

The conference is an annual event designed to convene the regional food community and to showcase the latest food and beverage ideas and techniques. The conference is organized “for chefs by chefs”. It brings together the best chefs, food producers, and personalities and links established food and hospitality professionals with aspiring students and young industry professionals.

The first day of the conference is open to the general public and will feature educational lectures on the latest topics of interest in food and beverage.

The second day of the conference is dedicated exclusively to hospitality and restaurant professionals and will feature educational lectures, industry discussions and demonstrations.

For additional information about the conference, or to register please visit drexel.edu/phillychefconference

Contact Information:
Name: Paul O'Neill
Phone: 215.895.3619
Email: pgo27@drexel.edu
Gerri C. LeBow Hall
Room 031
3220 Market St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
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