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STS Works-in-Progress Series: Asta Zelenkauskaite and Kai Li
Start Date: 3/6/2019Start Time: 12:30 PM
End Date: 3/6/2019End Time: 2:00 PM

Event Description

Please join the Center for Science, Technology and Society for the next installment of our Works-in-Progress series. See what our community is working on, and enjoy lunch with us!

Our speakers:

Asta Zelenkauskaite, PhD, associate professor of communication, Drexel University:

"Russian Trolling Frames on GAB"
This presentation examines the theoretical frames used to understand Russian trolling, and in particular examines GAB, a "less-moderated alternative to Facebook or Twitter that's popular among far-right figures" to understand the tactics used by GAB participants to make sense of Russian trolling.

Kai Li, PhD student, College of Computing and Informatics, Drexel University:

"A Quantitative Examination of Research Methods and Software in Scientific Publications"
The two traditions of science studies, qualitative and quantitative, have long separated into two distinct research communities with their own research agendas, ontologies, and methods. Li argues the possibility to use quantitative methods to draw deeper insights into how scientific knowledge is produced in situ, an important topic in the field of science, technology, and society (STS). In this presentation, Li proposes using large-scale, text-based and quantitative methods to evaluate how research method and software objects are represented in scientific publications.

This event is free and open to the public, lunch will be provided!

Contact Information:
Name: Dorian Adams
Phone: 215.895.1314
Email: dadams@drexel.edu
Attachments For This Event:
    > Event Flyer
Smart Classroom, Social Science and Humanities Lab, Room 224, 3101 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
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