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Plakat Polski: Selections from The Frank Fox Polish Poster Collection and Kenneth F. Lewalski Polish
Start Date: 1/27/2017Start Time: 8:00 AM
End Date: 3/31/2017End Time: 8:30 PM

Event Description

Exhibition from January 27, 2017 through March 31, 2017. This exhibition displays pieces from the Frank Fox Polish Poster Collection and the Kenneth F. Lewalski Polish Posters Collection, housed in Westphal’s URBN Center at Drexel University, which together represent one of the largest surveys of Soviet-era Polish posters in an institution in the United States.

The exhibition was curated by Mark Willie, Teaching Professor, Graphic Design, Westphal College of Media Arts & Design. The exhibition is on display in the Rincliffe Gallery on the third floor of Main Building at 3141 Chestnut St. from January 27th through March 31st. An exhibition opening will be held on January 27th from 4-6pm in the Rincliffe Gallery and Anthony J. Drexel Picture Gallery. The Rincliffe Gallery is open from 8 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The Gallery is free and open to the public.

Contact Information:
Name: Lynn Clouser
Phone: 215-895-2414
Email: lcc48@drexel.edu
title art
Rincliffe Gallery, Main Building, 3rd Floor
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