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CCI Distinguished Speaker Series: Richard DeMillo on "New Ecosystems for Higher Education"
Start Date: 4/17/2018Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 4/17/2018End Time: 1:00 PM

Event Description
Join Drexel University's College of Computing & Informatics for the first event in our Distinguished Speaker Series:

"New Ecosystems for Higher Education: Tales from Unlikely Allies"

With Richard DeMillo, PhD
Charlotte B. and Roger C. Warren Professor of Computing
Director, Center for 21st Century Universities, Georgia Tech
Lumina Foundation Fellow 2013-2015

Light refreshments will be provided. This event is free and open to the public.

Talk Abstract:

Affordable access to quality higher education has been a cornerstone of American life since the nation’s founding. American higher education is admired around the world as a model of excellence and innovation, but there is a consensus today that higher education in the U.S. is not on a sustainable path. My books Abelard to Apple and Revolution in Higher Education (both from MIT Press) chronicled the events that led to the current state of affairs and describe an optimistic but much changed ecosystem for higher education.

There are no simple solutions to the problems plaguing colleges and universities. A small band of innovators has taken up the challenge, launched a revolution and has started to remake higher education. The result will be a new, more sustainable ecosystem. Technology holds the key to innovation in higher education. I want to describe the world that the innovators are building, using as an example the innovation ecosystem pioneered at Georgia Tech powered by online education, business reinvention and a willingness to disrupt the status quo. What will the University of the 21st Century Look like? It will be very different from the ones we attended.

About the Speaker:

Richard DeMillo is the Charlotte B. and Roger C. Warren Professor of Computing and Professor of Management at Georgia Tech. He founded and directs the Center for 21st Century Universities, Georgia Tech’s living laboratory for fundamental change in higher education. He was named Lumina Foundation Fellow in recognition of his work in higher education.

He was formerly the John P. Imlay Dean of Computing at Georgia Tech where he led the design and implementation of the Threads program. His 2011 MIT Press book Abelard to Apple: The Fate of American Colleges and Universities, which helped spark the national discussion of the future of higher education, was inspired by this experience. A sequel entitled Revolution in Higher Education: How a Small Band of Innovators will make College Accessible and Affordable was published by MIT Press in 2015 and was named best education book of 2015 by the National Publisher’s Association.

Prior to joining Georgia Tech, he was Hewlett-Packard’s Chief Technology Officer. He led HP through technology revolutions in super computing, printing, open source software, information security, and nanotechnology. He was Vice President for Applied Research at Bellcore, where he oversaw computing research that led to many of the e-commerce technologies that are used around the world today. DeMillo was also an executive at the National Science Foundation, where he directed the Computer and Computation Research Division. He directed the Software Test and Evaluation Project, which rewrote policy for software-intensive systems for the Secretary of Defense during the Reagan administration. He directed Georgia Tech’s Information Security Center and served as an election observer for the Carter Center. He has served on boards of public and private and companies, including RSA Security, Neteeza, MCC, and SecureWorks. He has also served on boards for non-profits, including the Exploratorium and CRA.

The author of over a hundred books, articles, and patents, his research contributions include fundamental work in computer security, cryptography, software engineering, and theoretical computer science. His paper “Social Processes and Proofs of Theorems and Programs” was the most reprinted computer science article of the 1980’s. He is co-inventor of the fields of Differential Fault Analysis (DFA), a cryptanalysis technique that has been applied to many cryptosystems, and mutation analysis, a technique for software testing. Both DFA and mutation analysis (and the fields that have grown around them) have led to changes in security standards and software quality. He is a Fellow of both the Association for the Advancement of Science and the Association for Computing Machinery and winner of the ANAK prize, considered the highest honor bestowed on a Georgia Tech professor by its students.
Contact Information:
Email: raiken@drexel.edu
Mitchell Auditorium
Bossone Research Center, 1st Floor
3140 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
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