Event Description
The College of Computing & Informatics' Metadata Research Center is proud to present a lecture from Dr. Richard Marciano (Professor in the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland and Director of the Digital Curation Innovation Center) as part of the 2019 Distinguished Speaker Series:
"Developing a Computational Framework for Library and Archival Education"
Abstract: The Digital Curation Innovation Center (DCIC) at the University of Maryland's iSchool, along with international partners, are exploring the foundation and building blocks for an integrated library and archival educational curriculum centered on computational treatments of large complex collections. This is designed to prepare the next generation of librarians and archivists to meet the evolving needs of professionals working with digital collections. The talk will discuss the latest developments in this space, with big cultural data examples, and present opportunities for collaboration.
This free event is open to the Drexel community.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Richard Marciano is a professor in the College of Information Studies at the University of Maryland and director of the Digital Curation Innovation Center (DCIC). Prior to that, he conducted research at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) for over a decade. His research interests center on digital preservation, sustainable archives, cyber-infrastructure, and big data. He is also the 2017 recipient of Emmett Leahy Award for achievements in records and information management. With international partners, he has launched a Computational Archival Science (CAS) initiative to explore the opportunities and challenges of applying computational treatments to archival and cultural content. He holds degrees in Avionics and Electrical Engineering, a Master's and PhD in Computer Science from the University of Iowa, and conducted a Postdoc in Computational Geography. |