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University of Virginia
Start Date: 4/21/2020Start Time: 7:00 PM
End Date: 4/21/2020End Time: 8:30 PM

Event Description

Tuesday, April 21st 2020

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Virtual Event


Hosted by University of Virginia

Organized by Emma Candelier

Virtual Session

Most management consulting firms incorporate some form of case interview into their interview process. Cases are often viewed by students as daunting and/or intimidating. The purpose of this workshop is to provide an overview of what case interviewing is and how students can practice before the kick-off of interview season, and run through an interactive case interview in real time. IMPORTANT: Register through the link provided (http://bit.ly/2vpWx7w) and you will be given a unique login credential. The workshop is hosted by Brendan Boler, a Presidential Fellow at the University of Virginia’s Data Science Institute. Boler specializes in management consulting, high-performance coaching, and talent assessment and selection. He has extensive experience within the fields of management consulting and banking, having worked at Accenture, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley. Throughout his corporate career, Professor Boler was heavily involved in the recruiting process and has leveraged this experience to conduct research on high-performance coaching, as well as talent assessment and selection. This workshop is sponsored by the University of Virginia's McIntire School of Commerce Graduate Admissions Office.

Contact Information:
Name: Helena Reid
Phone: 215-895-1594
Email: hpr23@drexel.edu
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