Event Description
The eDUsuite project, supported through the Office of the Provost, combines educational technology and pedagogy in an interactive portal that provides access and training through innovative educational and learning modules. The eDUsuite Resource Center, is available now in Blackboard and consists of several elements: (a) eDUsuite Innovation Center; (b) eDUsuite Collaborative Lab; (c) eDUsuite Repository; (d) Peer Review System; and and (e) Rating System. While not all elements are fully functional, there is sufficient structure to show how the eDUsuite Resource Center can function as a one-stop shop for the development, sharing, and evaluation of educational applications to promote both instructional quality and learning efficacy. This presentation will provide data collected from an institutional study including faculty and students related to the use of technology and applications at Drexel University. The presentation will also include a tour of the eDUsuite project in Blackboard.
Presenters: Kristen Betts, Tamara Galoyan, Rajashi Ghosh, Donald McEachron
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