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Guiding Students at Work
Start Date: 4/5/2018Start Time: 9:00 AM
End Date: 4/5/2018End Time: 12:00 PM

Event Description

Work study and co-op are parts of the academic experience for many Drexel students. Balancing work and school can be difficult. For students, this can be a daunting task and can have a direct impact on their overall student experience. This workshop is geared toward helping supervisors better understand the student worker and what they can do to help make the student work experience a positive and productive one for everyone involved.

This workshop is open to anyone and counts as an elective for the Supervisory Certificate Program.

Register for this session in Career Pathway via DrexelOne.

Contact Information:
Name: Kathy Choy
Phone: 215-895-1661
Email: klc323@drexel.edu
Hagerty Library, Room L33
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