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Using FlipGrid to Engage Students through Video Discussions
Start Date: 4/5/2018Start Time: 1:00 PM
End Date: 4/5/2018End Time: 1:30 PM

Event Description
Online learning can be isolating for students who often state that they prefer interacting with classmates and faculty. Using the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model developed by Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2000) faculty searched for a way to engage students and faculty as "real" people. In lieu of one-dimensional text-based discussion boards, FlipGrid was initiated.

Flip Grid is a web-based video discussion platform that allows meaningful collaboration in an online environment. Students respond to a text-based or video question posed by faculty. Brief videos to which students respond can also be uploaded to FlipGrid. FlipGrid is incredibly easy to use and students don't need to create an account. Students are given a FlipGrid code and using their computer or smartphone, they open FlipGrid, record their video response, take a selfie and submit. Students can then respond to their peers through video messages. Control and feedback mechanisms exist. Online students have commented that by using FlipGrid they feel more connected to their peers and genuinely enjoyed using the tool!

Presenters are Joanne Farley Serembus, Ed.D/RN/CCRN (Alum)/CNE, Associate Clinical Professor at Drexel University, College of Nursing and Health Professions (CNHP); and Jackie Murphy, MSN/BSN/ASN, Assistant Clinical Professor at Drexel University, CNHP.

RSVP at the following link:

Feel free to come even if you do not RSVP.
Contact Information:
Name: Michael Galloway
Phone: 215-895-2447
Email: mjg88@drexel.edu
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