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Attachment Based Family Therapy Webinar Series
Start Date: 4/6/2018Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 4/6/2018End Time: 2:00 PM
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Event Description

Dates for this series: April 6, 13 and 20 

Drexel's ABFT Training Program runs a series of workshops and webinars throughout the year both at Drexel University, nationally and internationally. All workshops and webinars run for one to three days.
This 3-part webinar series is equivalent to day one of our introductory workshop. During this webinar series, we offer an overview of the model including theoretical principles and clinical strategies. In the first webinar, faculty review how attachment theory, emotion regulation, and trauma resolution inform the delivery of this experiential treatment approach. Over the second and third webinar we o review the goals and structure of the five treatment tasks that provide a road map for delivering this interpersonally focused psychotherapy effectively and rapidly. Teaching format includes lecture and video examples. Participants must attend all three webinars to receive CEs.
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