Event Description
"NTL: A Library for Doing Number Theory"
NTL is a high-performance C++ library for doing arithmetic on polynomial over various rings (integers and finite fields), as well as a number of other algebraic structures. Dr. Shroup will discuss the history of NTL, as well as some of the basic elements of its design and the algorithms it employs. He will also discuss recent work on making NTL exploit multicore and SIMD computer architectures, as well as NTL's use in implementing fully homomorphic encryption schemes.
About the Speaker:
Dr. Victor Shoup is an internationally recognized expert in the field of cryptography. He is a professor of computer science at New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. His research interests include cryptography and algorithms. He has held positions at AT&T Bell Labs, the University of Toronto, Saarland University, and the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory. He holds a PhD, MS in computer science from University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a BS in computer science from University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
This free, virtual event is open to the Drexel community. Attendees will receive Zoom login info upon registration. RSVP at