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#WestphalMakes Webinar Series: Visual Storytelling
Start Date: 5/19/2020Start Time: 4:00 PM
End Date: 5/19/2020End Time: 5:00 PM

Event Description

Our #WestphalMakes webinar series is aimed to help current high school students and instructors learn portfolio building projects from home. These free online one-hour webinars taught by our award-winning faculty experts at Westphal College of Media Arts and Design range from portfolio specific guidance to easy projects for students to do at home. All webinars are open to the public and interested parties must pre-register for each webinar using the links below. Students and instructors can register for multiple webinars.

Registrants will receive more detailed information regarding the webinar including a worksheet emailed to them the day of the event. If you have any questions, please email westphaladm@drexel.edu.

Visual Storytelling

Instructor: Kristen Ainscoe, Assistant Teaching Professor, Design and Merchandising

You have a phone. You take pictures. You post them. But are you telling a story? This webinar will explore the basics of how to tell an effective visual story in a presentation. You will learn how to properly convey information through visual vehicles. Visual storytelling will allow you summarize content into visual compositions that speak louder than words. We welcome both students and teachers to join this webinar.


Contact Information:
Email: westphaladm@drexel.edu
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