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Dissertation Defense by Rosie Mae Henson, MPH
Start Date: 5/19/2023Start Time: 1:00 PM
End Date: 5/19/2023End Time: 2:00 PM

Event Description

Rosie Mae Henson, MPH, Department of Health Management and Policy, will present "Geographic and social proximities to the United States and fatal overdose rate trends in Mexican cities: 2005-2021."

The US-Mexico border region has long had higher drug use rates compared to other regions in Mexico, which have remained some of the lowest rates in the world. Stronger social ties to the United States have also been associated with higher drug use and misuse among Mexicans in Mexico. This ecological dissertation traces the epidemiological history of drug misuse and overdose in Mexico to-date, describes current trends in fatal overdose rates in Mexico, and tests the interacting effects of geographic and social proximities to the United States on fatal overdose rates in Mexican cities. Transnational policy implications of the findings will be discussed.

Chair: Brent Langellier, PhD, MA Committee: Usama Bilal, PhD, MPH, MD, Tonatiuh Barrientos-Gutierrez, MD, PhD, Jan Eberth, PhD, Pricila Mullachery, PhD, MPH, MS, DDS

To join via Zoom, email sf922@drexel.edu for the link.

Contact Information:
Name: Sarah Flynn
Email: sf922@drexel.edu
Headshot of speaker
Urban Health Collaborative 3600 Market St. Room 709 or Zoom
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