Start Date: | 5/20/2019 | Start Time: | 3:30 PM |
End Date: | 5/20/2019 | End Time: | 4:30 PM |
Event Description
Wilfrid Gangbo, UCLA
Abstract: In fluid mechanics, one deal with actions A=L(q,m)dtdx which depend only on the momentum m and distribution q of the system of the particles. In this case, it is well understood that convexity of L is the right notion for studying variational problems. Following a theory by C Morrey in 1966, we propose a weaker notion of convexity, appropriate for actions depending on other quantities such as electro=magnetic elds. We introduce a gauge which reduces our problem to understanding the relaxation of a functional dened on the set of k-differential forms (Joint work with B. Dacorogna). |
Location: Curtis Hall, Room 341, 3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia PA, 19104 |