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Virtual Global Exchange Series: Social Media in a Global Crisis
Start Date: 5/21/2020Start Time: 9:30 AM
End Date: 5/21/2020End Time: 11:00 AM

Event Description
The Office of Global Engagement and Education Abroad is pleased to launch a series of virtual lectures for students to join from Drexel and Drexel’s exchange partners to continue to promote global collaboration. Each session will have a specific global theme and will led by faculty members, academics and other professionals in the field who will moderate the discussion between students.

The topic for the third session is Social Media in a Global Crisis, moderated by Asta Zelenkauskaite and Carmel Vaisman. Carmel will touch upon the transition from face-to-face to virtual interaction and the consequences of COVID-19. Students will be encouraged to ask each moderator questions and provide commentary on this timely topic.
Contact Information:
Name: Casey Devine
Phone: 215-571-3558
Email: md3683@drexel.edu
Please email global@drexel.edu for information about joining the Zoom session.
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