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Senior Design Project Final Four Competition and Poster Presentation
Start Date: 5/29/2018Start Time: 5:00 PM
End Date: 5/29/2018End Time: 9:00 PM

Event Description
Innovation, creativity, a lot of hard work, and a touch of competitive spirit can bring Drexel CCI students to one day: the CCI Senior Design Project Final Four competition. Come cheer on our students as they present their final projects and check out other exciting senior projects at our poster presentation!

All CCI students, alumni, faculty and professional staff are welcome to attend this event! Light refreshments will be provided. No RSVP necessary.

5 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Poster Presentation (Nesbitt Lobby - Chapman Court)
6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. - Final Four Competition (Nesbitt Hall, Room 111)

Operation Exodus - Alex Cheth, Greg Kilmer, Eric Saputra, Thomas Skerletts, James Swanick, Roger White
Faculty Advisor: Christopher Yang, PhD
External Stakeholder: Valentina Feldman
An immersive, virtual reality, cooperative stealth game focusing on communication between two players to help solve puzzles, fight artificial intelligence based enemies, and interacting with the world environments. 

Trials of the Rift - Jeff Brown, Sam Caulker, Joe Chew, Noah Nam, Zak Olyarnik, Dana Thompson
Faculty Advisor: Filippos Vokolos, PhD
External Stakeholder: Tony Rowe
A top-down, couch co-op, dungeon-crawling game where two teams of apprentice wizards race to complete a series of tasks.

StratHub - Christopher Macco, Elizabeth MacLean, Derrick Dieso, Kevin Driadon, Alvin George
Faculty Advisor: Jeff Salvage
External Stakeholder: Stratis IOT
An extendible framework and hardware pairing used to control smart lights without the worrying about a wall light switch.

SmartSecurity - Tiffany Wong, Helen Hua, Aruna Srinivasiah, Josie Spencer, Connie Diu, Dericka Logan
Faculty Advisor: Yuan An, PhD
Provides an affordable, multifunctional, and transportable security alarm system that utilizes a smart home device (Google Home).

About Senior Design:
CCI’s Senior Design Project is part of a multi-term capstone experience involving in-depth study and application of computing and informatics, where students work in teams to develop a significant product. The writing intensive course requires the use of a development process that includes planning, specification, design, implementation, evaluation and documentation. Projects are often conceived by external stakeholders who guide the requirements process and ultimately use the resulting application. Groups may be interdisciplinary with students from varied departments within the College of Engineering and the Digital Media Program within the Westphal College of Media Arts & Design. All CCI seniors are required to complete a three term software engineering project, in which teams of four to seven students are required to specify, design, implement and test a substantial software project. Projects are often conceived by external stakeholders who guide the requirements process and ultimately use the resulting application. Projects are judged in a multi-level competition on originality, compliance with software engineering principles, completion and their successful deployment. Each group will have five minutes setup time, a 20 minute presentation (including Q&A) and will have five minutes to tear down their setup. 
This event is made possible by the generosity of this year's Senior Design Project sponsors: Unisys, Bentley Systems, and eMoney Advisor

Nesbitt Hall, 3215 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
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