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Bowerbird Presents: Mauricio Kagel's Zwei Mann Orchester
Start Date: 5/4/2018Start Time: 7:00 PM
End Date: 5/4/2018End Time: 8:00 PM
This event recurs on a custom schedule.  Click here to see the series dates.

Event Description

Imagine: You are seated in the cockpit of a fantastical, Rube Goldberg-like machine. All around you is a forest of strings, rods, levers and all manner of other movable elements. Using your hands, feet, body, and head, even the smallest gesture to set forth a visible chain reaction of producing the entire timbral range of the orchestra.

This - is Kagel's Zwei Mann Orchester

Mauricio Kagel's Zwei Mann Orchester (1971-1973), is a large-scale kinetic sound sculpture that utilizes orchestral instruments, household and found objects, connected through a network of levers and strings to encourage the viewer to imagine the hidden sound potential.

Mauricio Kagel, composer
Andy Thierauf, co-creator, performer
Ashley Tini, co-creator, performer
Scott Kip, co-creator, sculptor
Neil Feather, co-creator, sculptor
Dustin Hurt, artistic director
Wilhelm Brück, artistic consultant

*** CREDITS *** 

Major support for Sound Machines has been provided by The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage, with additional support from The William Penn Foundation.

There are an *extremely* limited number of SEATED TICKETS available for each performance. Tickets for seats are $15 each and guarantee a place to sit and good sight lines of the performance.

The performance will last approximately 50 mins.


Contact Information:
Name: Pearlstein Gallery
Phone: 215-895-2548
Email: gallery@drexel.edu
sketch of musician seated in music machine
Pearlstein Gallery
URBN Center Annex | 3401 Filbert Street
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