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Writers Room
Start Date: 6/5/2018Start Time: 4:30 PM
End Date: 6/5/2018End Time: 6:00 PM
This event recurs every month on the first Tuesday until 6/5/2018.  Click here to see the series dates.

Event Description

Writers Room at the Dornsife Center is a place for reading, writing, thinking, and being. Here, members of the Mantua, Powelton Village, and Drexel communities are creating a shared story. It's been another big year at Writers Room! In addition to our regular programming, we launched a studio space on campus open to all and a writer-in-residence program called Tripod. During the 2017-2018 school year, six groups of three writers - drawn from the community, Drexel, and local high schools - have worked together to create projects of their own design. Using writing and photography together, these intergenerational triads have been documenting West Philadelphia and other parts of the city to tell collaborative stories about the ongoing changes in their neighborhoods. Please join us on Tuesday, June 5 from 4:30-6 pm as we celebrate our fourth annual book release and the Tripod photo exhibition.


Questions? Email us at dornsifecenter@drexel.edu or call (215) 571-4013

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Contact Information:
Phone: (215) 571-4013
Email: dornsifecenter@drexel.edu
The Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships
3509 Spring Garden Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
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