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John Chapel: A Photographic Voyage
Start Date: 7/16/2019Start Time: 9:00 AM
End Date: 7/16/2019End Time: 4:00 PM
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Event Description
Exhibition from April 29, 2019 through July 26, 2019. The exhibition A Photographic Voyage highlights the photographs of R. John Chapel, Jr. ’67, taken at his home in Kiawah Island, South Carolina, throughout the region and across the world, over twenty-nine countries, from trips with his wife, Jinnie. Chapel received his first camera in the sixth or seventh grade, but it wasn’t until he and his wife began traveling that Chapel became a more avid photographer. Now he is part of the Kiawah Camera Club and works alongside and learns from other photographers to hone his skills. The subject matter of the photographs ranges from flowers to animals to architecture, something Chapel is particularly drawn to due in part from his engineering courses at Drexel University.

Between 2008 and 2014, John and Jinnie Chapel have donated over $3.5 million to the Drexel LeBow College of Business, including a $2.5 million gift endowing the dean’s chair. The Chapels also support Drexel’s Department of Athletics by establishing the John and Jinnie Chapel ACHIEVE Center and Dragon Lounge, where all of the University’s current Division I varsity student-athletes can receive support in academic, leadership, career and personal development, as well as engage in civic engagement opportunities.

Chapel is continuing his generosity to Drexel by making the photographs in this exhibition available for purchase, with all proceeds going to the University.

Contact Information:
Name: Lynn Clouser
Phone: 215-895-2414
Email: lcc48@drexel.edu
John Chapel on photograph of tree roots
Paul Peck Alumni Center Gallery
3142 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Entrance is at the back of building, off Perelman Plaza.
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