Event Description
Relation-sips is an informal and casual way for students and employers to connect and network. Employers will have a reserved table in Saxby’s (34th Street) where students can come and go as their schedule permits. Stop in to talk to hiring managers about:
Job openings at the company
Resume reviews
Interview tips
Professional advice
Skills to develop
And more!
Relation-sips is a direct response to employers asking Steinbright for more ways to engage with students. They’re waiting to talk to you! Come as you are! No need to wear a suit or business professional attire, stop by between classes, grab a coffee, and form some relation-sips!
Xyntek, Inc. is a Global Leader in Real-Time IT and Industrial Automation solutions. Xyntek’s mission is to form technological partnerships with world-class R&D and Manufacturing organizations to provide Validated Information Technology and Automated solutions, customized per business and technology requirements.