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Introduction of Structured Literacy: The Science of Reading
Start Date: 8/14/2019
End Date: 8/15/2019End Time: Midnight

Event Description
This 15- hour structured literacy course is designed to provide attendees with a basic framework from which to build in-depth linguistic knowledge of reading acquisition. Participants will be actively engaged in their learning and leave with both resources and experience identifying specific areas of weakness in phonemic awareness, a critical foundational reading skill. Further attendees will explore the linguistic connections between phonology, orthography and morphology, the impact each has on language and how deeper understanding can break word level barriers and complete an essential circuit needed for reading acquisition.
Continuing Education Credits (CUEs) will be available for attendees. Great for teachers, administrators and teacher education preparers!
Register by August 4th here: http://tiny.cc/TheScienceOfReading (Space is limited) Register Now!
Introduction of Structured Literacy: The Science of Reading
August 14, 15, & 16, 2019
Hosted by Drexel University School of Education
3401 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
Contact Information:
Name: Dr. Lori Severino
Phone: 215-571-3851
Email: las492@drexel.edu
3401 Market street
3rd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19104
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