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Wednesdays at the Kline
Start Date: 9/16/2020Start Time: 5:30 PM
End Date: 9/16/2020End Time: 6:30 PM

Event Description
There is no question that education is important. Amid a pandemic, however, we have come to reckon with the limits of our institutions. In conflict are the needs to educate students safely, the lack of resources to handle transitions in delivering that education, and the struggles of all to adjust to the new normal. We'll be discussing the priorities of those at various levels of leadership; the needs of students, teachers, and parents; and best practices.
Contact Information:
Name: EricaZ
Email: erica.zelinger@drexel.edu
Wednesdays at the Kline
On Zoom at: https://drexel.zoom.us/j/99088369468
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