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Whose History Is It: How Do We Democratize Preservation?
Start Date: 9/30/2020Start Time: 6:00 PM
End Date: 9/30/2020End Time: 7:30 PM

Event Description

Join DAG at our virtual Zoom event with a panel of activists, architects, preservationists, scholars, and citizens to talk about the role of historic preservation in upholding or dismantling structural racism.

The Philadelphia Historic Preservation Task Force, charged with formulating actionable recommendations to balance the needs of preservation and development in a pre-pandemic burgeoning real estate market in Philadelphia, quickly recognized the need to advocate for democratizing preservation. This panel will explore the state of preservation in Philadelphia today from a variety of perspectives. Join a conversation about the role of diverse points of view and how we can recognize places of importance that honor the pasts of the wide spectrum of citizens in Philadelphia today.

Leading the conversation will be Harris Steinberg, executive director, Lindy Institute on Urban Innovation, Drexel University, and task force chair; Dominique Hawkins, partner, Preservation Design Partnership, and task force vice-chair; Yue Wu, Neighborhood Planning and Project Manager at Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation; Verónica Ayala Flores, Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) Program Assistant and DAG Design Equity Task Force Chair; and Betty Turner, Germantown activist and vice-chair, Philadelphia Historical Commission. Read more about the panelists on our website.

By registering, you consent to joining our email list, and by joining the Zoom, you consent to being recorded.

After you register, look out for a link from Eventbrite about a week before the event and the day before the event containing the link to the Zoom meeting.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whose-history-is-it-how-do-we-democratize-preservation-tickets-111574137248
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