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Creativity Series, Part 3: Powering Up Your Creativity to Find Workplace Solutions
Start Date: 2/11/2025Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 2/11/2025End Time: 1:00 PM

Event Description
What is creativity, and how can we use novel ideas to transform workplace problems and solve them collaboratively? Some people believe the only point in a college degree is to land a job, build a career and climb the promotion ladder. Even when landing that dream job, it can be fraught with problems. Rarely do we process our experiences and develop new skills to solve these problems. This session invites participants to share their beliefs about creativity from which we will build a common definition of creativity that is also grounded in research. Then, Jen will share essential features of creative problem solving to help learn about and manage the creative problem-solving (CPS) cycle for “self” and “other.” In this session, you will also be invited to reflect on a problem of practice in your workplace, and develop actionable ideas for breaking through these problems using the CPS cycle.

Jennifer Katz-Buonincontro, PhD
Professor and Associate Dean of Research, School of Education

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Contact Information:
Name: Dr. Tina Marie Coolidge
Phone: 215.895.6933
Email: Tinamarie@Drexel.edu
Jennifer Katz-Buonincontro
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