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Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Seminar Series
Start Date: 12/11/2024Start Time: 2:30 PM
End Date: 12/11/2024End Time: 3:30 PM

Event Description

Ernesto Ulloa-Pérez, PhD, Center for Improving Care Delivery for the Aging Postdoctoral Fellow, Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, University of Pennsylvania, will present "Evaluating payment programs via statistical methods for staggered adoption interventions."

Population-level interventions often face practical constraints that require a non-randomized staggered implementation. In this talk, I will provide a motivating example of a payment intervention program that was implemented in a staggered fashion by a health provider. Leveraging patient clinical registry and medical claims data, I will illustrate how one could evaluate the program's impact on quality-of-care indicators. To our advantage, significant progress has been made recently in the development of statistical methods designed for non-randomized staggered interventions. I will highlight how these methods can be applied to estimate the program's effects and discuss how they target different estimands. Additionally, I will address real-world challenges encountered in our example, such as clinic-level heterogeneity and treatment switching. Finally, I will present a comparative assessment of these methods through simulation studies, showcasing their relative strengths and limitations in different scenarios.

Dr. Ernesto Ulloa-Pérez is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania and a CICADA Fellow at the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics. He earned his PhD in Biostatistics from the University of Washington, where he specialized in advancing causal inference methods. His current work focuses on developing and applying statistical methods for staggered adoption interventions, providing policymakers with insights to improve care delivery and health outcomes. Dr. Ulloa-Pérez’s applied research leverages electronic health record data to address critical questions in health policy and clinical care. His projects include evaluating treatment utilization patterns following FDA approvals, and assessing vaccine safety through post-marketing studies.

Contact Information:
Name: Nancy Colon-Anderson
Email: nanderson@drexel.edu
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Nesbitt Hall, Room 132 and online via Zoom
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