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Wire-Laser Metal 3D Printing: A Disruptive Directed Energy Deposition Technology
Start Date: 12/13/2023Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 12/13/2023End Time: 2:00 PM

Event Description
During this presentation, Meltio's Applications Manager, Giorgio Olivieri will explain in-depth all about Meltio's metal 3D printing solutions using patented wire-laser metal deposition (LMD) technology. LMD is a Directed Energy Deposition (DED) process that functions by precisely stacking layers of weld beads when introduced into the laser-generated melt pool.

The current portfolio of solutions includes the Meltio M450 metal 3D printer, the Meltio Engine CNC Integration, which turns virtually any CNC machine into a powerful hybrid manufacturing center, and the Meltio Engine Robot Integration, which is the perfect platform for large and complex 3D printing, repair, cladding, and feature addition. The company's latest product launch, Meltio Robot Cell is an affordable turn-key solution for the Meltio Engine Robot Integration.

About Giorgio Olivieri:
Giorgio Olivieri is a Mechanical Engineer and MBA graduate, with a background of over a decade in the field of repair and manufacturing of Gas Turbine components. Giorgio started his journey in AM in 2018, by enrolling in the MiTxPRO course Additive Manufacturing for Innovative Design and Production, later joining the teaching team as a community teaching assistant.

RSVP is required:
Contact Information:
Name: Jonathan Spanier
Email: jes53@drexel.edu
Papadakis Integrated Sciences Building
Classroom 112
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