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Reading Terminal Market Informational Tour
Start Date: 12/3/2023Start Time: 2:00 PM
End Date: 12/3/2023End Time: 2:45 PM

Event Description
Philadelphia is known to be one of the best foodie cities in the country and no trip to Philly is complete without tasting some signature bites! City Food Tours is proud to offer tours and activities exclusively for Drexel students and families during Family Weekend this December. 

Act fast – these tours have sold out during past Family Weekends. Contact City Food Tours directly at operations@cityfoodtours.com or 215-544-5003 (call or text) with questions or to join the waitlist if others beat you to it. See below for tour descriptions and booking availability.

Reading Terminal Market Informational Tour
45 minutes in duration, $25 per person, max 10 guests per tour

Join us as we explore Philadelphia’s most iconic foodie destination. Starting off with a famous Philly snack from one of our merchants, this tour will tantalize your taste buds and provide insight into the Market’s vibrant history. Our expert guides will point out must-see spots while sharing stories of the Market’s merchants. Mouth watering by the end? We’ll leave you with an Amish-inspired take-home treat from a bakery with edgy recipes. 

Booking will close as each tour fills or 2 hours before the tour begins. Advanced registration is required here; no walk-ons.

Contact Information:
Name: Special Events
Email: family@drexel.edu
Meeting location will be distributed after registration
  • Everyone
  • Undergraduate Students
  • Graduate Students
  • Parents & Families

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