Event Description
There is a growing interest in next generation all-solid-state lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), as well as their sodium counterparts, to avoid safety issues associated with the volatile liquid electrolytes now used. Solid electrolytes under investigation are polymers with dissolved Li/Na salts, inorganic oxide or sulfide ceramics, or composites of the two, but each have negative, as well as positive, characteristics.
The Wunder Lab at Temple University is investigating a new class of materials that are cocrystals of lithium (or sodium) salts and low molecular weight organic molecules, which have many favorable, properties such as low resistance grain boundaries, conductivities ~ 10-4 S/cm, and melt-castability. Professor Stephanie Wunder's talk will offer an overview of criteria for solid electrolytes and how these new cocrystals fulfill many of the desirable properties needed.
Stephanie Wunder, PhD
Professor of Physical/Analytical Chemistry Temple University
Biography: https://chem.cst.temple.edu/wunder.html