Event Description To assist our mandated reporters and provide information about reporting, communicating with individuals in need, and providing resources, EIC is proud to offer “Be the Bridge, A Drexel Employee Toolkit." This document is available to help in the prevention of, and response to, sexual misconduct. Please join Kristin Vitacco, assistant director of sexual misconduct prevention and dducation for this overview of the toolkit, some brief key points about mandated reporting obligations, and how Drexel's mandated reporting policies serve to foster a safe and inclusive environment and support all members of our community. You are encouraged to review the toolkit, which can be found by clicking the link above or on the EIC website and are welcome to bring questions. To sign up for this event, please use the link in your Enterprise Learning – Understanding Title IX email, sent by Human Resources, or log into Career Pathway and search “Be The Bridge.” This webinar is being offered at both 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on April 10. |
Location: Virtual (Register in Career Pathway) |
Special Features: Online Access |