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Pennoni Panels: Sunset on the Humanities?
Start Date: 4/24/2024Start Time: 6:00 PM
End Date: 4/24/2024End Time: 7:30 PM

Event Description

The announcement that the humanities are dying in academia has been going on for decades, as majors in English, philosophy, and history decline and as humanities departments are gutted, if not removed, from institutions. Now, it seems that the future of humanities education and culture, in general, are at an inflection point. We must ask: What are the humanities for, and can they be made relevant? Are academic and cultural institutions the places to preserve and protect the humanities, or are they part of the problem? We invite you to examine these questions with a distinguished panel of speakers, as we dig into this intellectual and pedagogical predicament.

Contact Information:
Name: Erica L Zelinger
Email: elz26@drexel.edu
Pennoni Panels: Sunset on the Humanities?
The Rosenbach
2008-2010 Delancey Place, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19103, United States
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