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A Day of Faculty Conversation About Artificial Intelligence
Start Date: 5/30/2024Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 5/30/2024End Time: 4:00 PM

Event Description

Join faculty colleagues across the University for a day of conversation about artificial intelligence. Beginners are especially welcome! Ask questions, raise concerns, meet new colleagues, and advise the administration about Drexel’s role in driving the future of AI.

Keynote speakers Drs. Edward Kim of the College of Computing & Informatics and Matthew Stamm of the College of Engineering will share insights as leading experts in the field. Attendees can then join one or several themed sessions, focused on conversations among the attendees, and visit our resource tables to receive drop-in assistance with AI tools.

For specific locations and to RSVP, please refer to the email invitation or contact Grisette Coverdale. 

Schedule Overview

  • 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.: Registration Opens 
  • 12 – 1 p.m.: Keynote with Drs. Edward Kim and Matthew Stamm 
  • 1 – 4 p.m.: Concurrent Sessions and Drop-In Assistance with AI Tools

Drop-In Assistance

1 – 4 p.m.

Come with your laptop to meet one-on-one with friendly faculty and students who will talk with you about your questions on AI, help you access AI services, and discuss how to best use AI in your classes and research...plus, get a cookie!

Concurrent Conversations

Attendees may choose from the following concurrent conversations, which are offered either in LeBow Hall or virtually (no hybrid sessions). Each session will have a faculty facilitator and a student who is interested in sharing a student’s perspective of their use of AI.

You are invited to submit questions to be addressed in the conversations using the RSVP form. To ensure quality conversation, sessions will be capped and are offered on a first come, first served basis.

1 – 2 p.m.

  • What is AI?, a conversation about the nature of AI and its impact on society, education and the future of work
  • AI + Design, a conversation about the impact of AI on all aspects of design, including higher education
  • AI Hands-on Demo, a conversation about how to use AI in practice, with a live hands-on demonstration guided by the conversation

2 – 3 p.m.

  • AI in Writing Courses, a conversation about the impact of AI on writing-intensive courses and what instructors can do and are doing in response
  • AI + Environment, a conversation about the impact of AI on the environment and environmental research
  • What is AI?, a conversation about the nature of AI and its impact on society, education and the future of work

3 – 4 p.m.

  • AI Hands-on Demo, a conversation about how to use AI in practice, with a live hands-on demonstration guided by the conversation
  • AI and Pedagogy, a conversation about the impact of AI on higher education, on teaching and learning, and how faculty can and should respond
  • AI + Health, a conversation about how AI is affecting health, including health care, research and higher education


Attendees are encouraged to also attend the Generative AI LeBow Student Expo from 4 6 p.m.

This event is hosted by the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Curriculum and Education and the Standing Committee on Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence represents an area of Drexel expertise within Computing, AI and Cyber Security Frontiers, which has been identified as an Area of Excellence and Opportunity (AEO) at the University. 

Gerri C. LeBow Hall
  • Faculty

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