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Commencement 2023: College of Arts and Sciences
Start Date: 6/15/2023Start Time: 5:00 PM
End Date: 6/15/2023End Time: 7:30 PM

Event Description

Hats Off to the Class of 2023! We can’t wait to celebrate the Drexel University College of Arts and Sciences’ special commencement ceremony starting at 5 p.m. on June 15 at the Mann Center. Our graduates have worked hard and accomplished much to earn their degrees, and we know how excited they are to celebrate their achievements with families and friends.

The commencement ceremony of the College of Arts and Sciences includes a keynote address by Elizabeth Lombardo, PhD, one of America’s most-trusted celebrity psychologists. Dr. Lombardo earned her doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from Drexel University in 2002. Our student speakers will include Monique D. Clark, MA, recipient of a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing degree, and María Paula Mijares Torres, recipient of a Bachelor of Arts in Communication degree.

The ceremony will include degree conferral, honors, and individual recognition of all graduates as they are called to the stage by name.

For commencement information, please visit: http://drexel.edu/commencement/

Questions? Please email commencement@drexel.edu

Before you turn your tassel to the left, always remember that you, our new #ForeverDragons, are an essential part of the College’s future and we are immensely proud to be a continued part of your success. Congratulations to the Drexel College of Arts and Sciences Class of 2023!

Contact Information:
Email: commencement@drexel.edu
Drexel's College of Arts and Sciences Commencement Ceremony - June 15
The Mann Center
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