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Raising Our Hands with Jenna Arnold
Start Date: 7/13/2021Start Time: 4:00 PM
End Date: 7/13/2021End Time: 5:00 PM

Event Description
Raising Our Hands with Jenna Arnold
July 13, 2021 at 4pm-5pm ET
Via Live Webcast

Jenna Arnold is the Chief Impact Officer for Rethink, an impact investing platform, an organization that funds companies to solve issues like equitable education, food distribution and sustainability. She is the co-founder of the non-profit ORGANIZE, focused on ending the organ transplant waitlist in the US. Previously Jenna was the Executive Producer and creator of the MTV show, “Exiled,” as well as a National March Organizer for the 2017 Women’s March on Washington. Jenna is a mother, teacher, entrepreneur, and big thinker. In her words, “What I have definitely realized is that instead of seeking answers I have to first construct impossibly large questions.” Learn about how Jenna found her place on the front lines in the fight against complacency as a white woman, and how you can too. Please join us to learn about Jenna’s experience as an educator, entrepreneur, activist and mother, and stay for self-reflection and questions.

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