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Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Start Date: 7/27/2021Start Time: 9:00 AM
End Date: 7/27/2021End Time: 12:00 PM

Event Description

Emotional intelligence can be described as the ability to understand your own emotions and the impact they have on you and those around you, as well as the ability to understand the emotions of others and use that understanding to build relationships. While technical capability and conventional intelligence are critical components of management, without emotional intelligence to support them, these may not be sufficient to ensure success.

This workshop will use a blended learning approach to support participants in understanding the fundamental concepts underlying emotional intelligence, assessing their own levels of emotional intelligence, and planning specific actions for developing attributes of emotional intelligence in themselves.

This session is open to Drexel faculty and professional staff and counts as an elective for the Supervisory Certificate Program.

Please register in Career Pathway via DrexelOne.

Contact Information:
Name: Kathy Choy
Email: klc323@drexel.edu
Webinar - see reminder email for link
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