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Land Acknowledgment Marker Unveiling
Start Date: 11/29/2023Start Time: 2:30 PM
End Date: 11/29/2023End Time: 3:30 PM

Event Description
Drexel University's Land Acknowledgment serves both to express gratitude and appreciation to the Indigenous people whose territory the University resides on -- specifically, the Lenape -- as well as the Indigenous people who continue to live and work on the land, and also to acknowledge that an accurate and comprehensive history of Indigenous people of the Americas has been systematically forgotten and erased from “traditional” teachings of American history. Acknowledging this history, our privilege to be on this land, and the Lenape tribe's continued presence, is consistent with Drexel University’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

The Office for Institutional Equity and Inclusive Culture invites you to join the official unveiling of a new Land Acknowledgement Marker on the University City Campus, just off the Korman Quad between the Korman Center and Pearlstein Business Learning Center, on Wednesday, Nov. 29, at 2:30 p.m. This marker celebrates and honors the Lenape, and it is just one small act in the ongoing process of working to be in good relationship with the land and the people of the land. If you plan to attend the unveiling, please RSVP using the Qualtrics survey.
Contact Information:
Name: Office for Institutional Equity and Inclusive Culture
Email: eicprogramming@drexel.edu
Land Acknowledgment Marker Unveiling
Between Korman Center and Pearlstein Business Learning Center
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