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Demystifying DEI: Addressing Five Common Misperceptions
Start Date: 4/8/2025Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 4/8/2025End Time: 1:00 PM

Event Description
In just a few years’ time, three letters—DEI—have generated much controversy. Drexel University’s inaugural Vice Provost for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion believes that is because DEI is poorly understood. In this session, Dr. Ashburn-Nardo will share evidence to “demystify” DEI and address five common misperceptions:

1. DEI is unnecessary.
2. DEI trainings will address all our problems.
3. DEI only benefits certain groups.
4. DEI lowers standards.
5. DEI creates more division than unity.

Leslie Ashburn-Nardo, PhD
Vice Provost for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Drexel University

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Contact Information:
Name: Dr. Tina Marie Coolidge
Phone: 215.895.6933
Email: Tinamarie@Drexel.edu
Leslie Ashburn-Nardo, PhD
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