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Penne For Your Thoughts
Start Date: 4/10/2025Start Time: 1:00 PM
End Date: 4/10/2025End Time: 2:30 PM

Event Description
Join us and Foundations of Happy Eating (FOHE)'s for Penne for Your Thoughts! The idea behind the event is to host a family-style meal that offers an open space for reflection and discussion about the challenges of transitioning to independent eating. We will discuss topics such as the lack of nutrition education in K-12 schools and how this has impacted your experience as a now college student. As a nonprofit startup focused on improving 'happy' eating habits, we would like to use this time to gather feedback so YOU can help us best address these issues! Please read the following to ensure everyone is able to have a safe and enjoyable time at the event.

FOOD: At this time, we are unable to accommodate dietary restrictions such as gluten-free or vegan diets--we are planning to serve pesto pasta with chicken and garlic bread. All of the ingredients will be listed in person or can be requested ahead of time (just dm us!) If you cannot eat what we are planning to serve, please feel free to bring your own lunch and or just come for the discussion! We would love to have you.

RSVP COMMITMENT: RSVP REQUIRED via Google Form: https://forms.gle/m88VaHxjJXrmvd2v7 Due to the fact that we are a small startup with limited resources at this time, we ask that participants commit to their RSVP and let us know ASAP if plans change so that we are able to provide a full meal for all attendees.
Contact Information:
Email: rl855@drexel.edu
Penne for your thoughts flyer uni cal.jpg
Lindy Center for Civic Engagement
3210 Cherry Street
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