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Chemistry Winter Seminar: Treatment strategies for pediatric brain trauma: when, what and how?
Start Date: 1/26/2023Start Time: 11:00 AM
End Date: 1/26/2023End Time: 12:30 PM

Event Description
Ramesh Raghupathi, PhD
Professor, Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, College of Medicine, Drexel University
Pediatric brain trauma is a leading cause of long-term death and disability in infants and children under the age of 4. Despite advances in acute critical care, there are no treatment strategies aimed at limiting the long term behavioral deficits that these children face as they age into adolescence and adulthood. One potential target for treatment is inflammation within the brain as a consequence of the injury. However, the intersection between development and progression of the injury can potentially limit the efficacy of these strategies. Data presented will demonstrate the pros and cons of interventions focused on limiting brain inflammation.
Contact Information:
Name: Frank Ji, Professor of Chemistry, Affiliated faculty member of College of Engineering, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Phone: 215.895.2562
Email: hj56@drexel.edu
Dr. Raghupathi is a professor in the Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy a
Drexel University
Disque Hall, room 109
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