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The Elevator Pitch Workshop
Start Date: 1/26/2023Start Time: 2:00 PM
End Date: 1/26/2023End Time: 3:00 PM

Event Description
Have you ever thought, “I’m meeting with an employer, but what should I tell them about myself?” If this question is on repeat, as you approach your next job search, don’t miss Steinbright’s virtual workshop, “The Elevator Pitch” - Thursday (January 26th) from 2-3 PM EST.

In this interactive workshop, attendees will craft a "30 Second Elevator Pitch" with the help of experienced industry professionals: Eric Brown (Campus Recruiter, Lockheed Martin) and Betsy Wetherby (Estimator, Daniel J. Keating Company.) Students will then be able to practice delivering their “pitch” in a series of speed networking breakout sessions. Additionally, there will be time for feedback, reflection, and adaptation; so, attendees can leave having practiced multiple times, with different people and feel more prepared to introduce themselves to employers.

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The Elevator Pitch Workshop
  • Undergraduate Students

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