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Living with Uncertainty (15 Wellness Points)*
Start Date: 7/17/2024Start Time: 12:00 PM
End Date: 7/17/2024End Time: 1:00 PM

Event Description
This 1-hour interactive webinar will provide a review of “Uncertainty”, when and why it might be threatening to us, when we might seek it out, and how we can deal with it better.

The topic was initially inspired by the threat and uncertainty created for many of us by COVID. However, it is applicable to other areas in our lives such as different illnesses, having children, the economy, relationships, job security, never mind basic needs such as food security and housing.

Many of us generally like to have a certain amount of control over our lives. Unexpected events, or events without a clear trajectory may leave us stressed and/or anxious. Responding with stress and anxiety to uncertainty depends on many variables, including some of our temperamental dispositions.

Whatever the exact causes for our reactions to uncertainty, we can all learn to accept and manage it better. This workshop will also address some of the ways that you can do this in your life.

This webinar is intended for:
-For anyone who is interested to learn more about uncertainty and why it can often be threatening, and at other times, appealing to us
-For anyone who has experiences stress, and/or anxiety due to uncertainty in their lives

Petra Kottsieper, PhD, MEd, is the Drexel Psychological Services Center director and an Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. Petra teaches courses at the undergraduate and graduate level and has interests in a variety of psychological and wellness topics, including self-compassion, mindfulness and meaning making.

*Participants in our Wellness Incentive Program are eligible to earn 15 points (a $15 credit) for attending this event. You must sign-in to zoom with your name in the participants’’ box to receive credit.

You must register for the Health Advocate Wellness Incentive Program AND complete your annual Personal Health Profile before you will be eligible to receive any payouts. Points for attending these events will be sent to Health Advocate on a monthly basis for the prior month’s activities. There will be a 6-week delay in these points and payouts being distributed. For information about our wellness incentive program, please visit: http://drexel.edu/hr/benefits/a-healthier-u/wellness-incentive-program/ />
Please contact Wellness Consultant Monica Fauble with questions:
Contact Information:
Name: Monica Fauble
Email: mfauble@drexel.edu
yoda uncertainty
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