Event Description
Hear from Dr. LeeAnn Haaf and explore how climate and sea level are affecting American holly (Ilex opaca) in a low elevation forest along the St Jones River in Delaware at this virtual Science on Tap
Sea level rise is causing more frequent saltwater floods at
higher and higher elevations near the coast. More frequent saltwater flooding
puts many trees in these low-lying areas at risk of death; mortality of trees
along our coasts has been expanding, creating a landscape of ghost forests. In
addition to causing sea level rise, climate change is leading to warmer
temperatures and shifts in precipitation patterns. Different tree species are
adapted for specific seasonal temperatures and need adequate moisture, but
interactions among saltwater flooding, temperatures and precipitation could be
complicated. Although tree death might be inevitable, what factors are
affecting tree growth before treesy die? Could knowing those factors help
managers mitigate or plan for the future? Join Dr. LeeAnn Haaf, PhD graduate of
Drexel University’s Department of Biodiversity, Earth and Environmental Science
(BEES), to explore how climate and sea
level are affecting American holly (Ilex opaca) in a low-elevation
forest along the St. Jones River in Delaware.
This is a free, virtual program. Click here to register.
About the Speaker: Dr. LeeAnn Haaf, a recent PhD graduate of
Drexel University’s Biodiversity, Earth and Environmental Science (BEES)
Department, studies the effects of climate change and sea-level rise on
low-lying tree growth in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. She is
the Estuary Science Manager with the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary.