Event Description
Join UREP and a representative of the Boren Awards to learn more about the Boren Scholarship and Fellowship, which provide up to $12,500/semester for study abroad and up to
$25,000 for a full academic year abroad. Awards are granted with preference for
long-term study abroad, and less-common countries, languages, and fields of
study critical to U.S. interests. To apply for this award, you must be a US citizen, and your application must be endorsed by the university. The campus deadline to begin the process of seeking endorsement is November 19. Attend the session or email fellowships@drexel.edu to learn more.
This event is hosted by Undergraduate Research & Enrichment Programs, whose mission includes support for Drexel undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni for externally funded, competitively awarded individual scholarships, fellowships, and awards.