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Activism for the Rest of Us
Start Date: 10/27/2021Start Time: 5:00 PM
End Date: 10/27/2021End Time: 6:30 PM

Event Description

If you are someone who feels the injustices of the world deeply, you want to do your part to make a difference, but maybe you...

  • Get so overwhelmed you shut down
  • Feel like you don't have the skills or energy
  • Struggle to see yourself in the word activist
  • Have engaged in activism but experienced burnout

One of the challenges of doing activism is answering the question, "How can I do impactful activism without burning myself out? This 90-minute workshop will give you the direction you need to help you address the issues that most matter to you.

Contact Information:
Name: Erica L Zelinger
Phone: 2158954976
Email: elz26@drexel.edu
Activism for the Rest of Us
In person:

Bentley Hall, 2nd floor
3301 Arch Street

On Zoom at: https://drexel.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUtf--gpj0qGNAP78RcEKBf8njKD0V1IJZu
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