Event Description
The Metadata Research Center at Drexel’s College of Computing & Informatics is pleased to host the Alice B. Kroeger Distinguished Lecture 2020 with James Briggs Murray, Founding Curator (1972-2009) of the Moving Image and Recorded Sound Division, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, New York Public Library, Research Libraries:
Presentation title: Understanding and Developing Black Popular Music Collections
Date/Time: Thursday, December 3, 2020, 4:30-6:00 P.M. EST (Bring a cocktail or tea for the celebration and dancing, 5:45 PMish EST!)
Zoom Registration Link. Participants must register in order to attend. This talk is VIRTUAL, FREE, and OPEN TO ALL.
James Briggs Murray is a distinguished scholar, curator, and a captivating presenter. His presentation will feature some musical clips, and his presentation links back to his landmark 1983 Drexel Library Quarterly article on black music collections. (Citation: Murray, J. B. (1983). Understanding and Developing Black Popular Music Collections. Drexel library quarterly, 19(1), 4-54.). Learn more on our event page: https://cci.drexel.edu/mrc/2020/11/09/jim-murray/
Alice B. Kroeger (May 2, 1864 – October 31, 1909) was an American librarian and educator. She was a student of Melvil Dewey’s at the New York State Library School at Albany. Dewey recommended her to establish the library science program at Drexel University. Kroeger founded Drexel University’s library science program in 1892 and directed the program until her death in 1909.